Growing Your Agricultural Business With the Right Tools

Growing Your Agricultural Business With the Right Tools

Important Factors To Consider When Crop Spraying

by Clayton James

When it comes to crop management, few things are as contentious or as misunderstood as crop spraying. Even for farmers who are considering spraying their crops, a lot of misinformation surrounds the practice and the decisions to use it. Here are a few things that everyone should understand about agricultural spraying to ensure that you get the results that you intend. 

Droplet Size Affects Everything

The size of the droplets from your crop sprayer is important for many reasons. Smaller droplets will take longer to reach the crops because they are lighter, so they fall slower. The added time descending increases the risk of wind shift moving those droplets away from their intended target. Not only that, but smaller droplets will evaporate quicker, so they may not have time to absorb and take effect. Adjust your sprayer to larger droplets instead so that they fall quickly and take longer to evaporate, increasing the chances that your spray hits only its intended target and lasts long enough to soak in and do its job.

Nozzle Pressure Contributes to Droplet Size

If you're looking for the best way to adjust the droplet size, consider altering the pressure behind the sprayer nozzle. Higher pressure levels create smaller droplets, so reduce the pressure slightly to increase your droplet size for better results and less overspray and wind drift.

Weather Alters Drift Risks

Warmer temperatures and humid weather can increase the effects of spray drift. Even a mild wind can result in far more drift than you anticipate in these conditions. Reduce the risk of spray drift in warmer weather by reducing your crop sprayer's travel height to roughly a foot above the crop so that there is less gap to encourage wind drifting.

Canopy Interferes With Absorption

Spraying any crops with a wide or dense canopy takes careful consideration. You need to balance the droplet size with the conditions to get the best coverage. Smaller droplets will not necessarily penetrate the canopy, but droplets too large will reduce the distribution of the product. The goal is to tailor the pressure to the crop and its growing stage so that you get adequate droplet sizes from your spray to effectively cover the crops without getting caught in the canopy and evaporating.

These are just a few of the most important considerations when you are crop spraying. Think about your nozzle settings, droplet size, and spray height as you calculate your risk of wind drift and chances of absorption.


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Growing Your Agricultural Business With the Right Tools

Getting into the agricultural business can be a profitable one, but you need the right tools and equipment put into place in order to ensure your success. There is no reason to create your business by hand when so many awesome options are available on the market to help you. Whether it comes to watering your plots or keeping pests at bay, there is machinery and accessories available to get the job done with less manpower, electricity, and money. On this blog you'll learn about the best pesticides, fertilizers, and weeders to use on your farm. You'll also gain some insight into the best machinery to use depending on your specific type of agricultural endeavor. And once in awhile you may even gain some insight into the best times of year to grow particular types of crops.